St Georges Day 2024 – April 21st

Date: 10th Mar 2024 Author: districtteam

Hi all,

Sadly we’ve not been able to announce final details on this as early as we would like as we were waiting on several different options and as you can appreciate the logistics of such a large event. We started planning this pre-November as discussed at our Last GSL meeting. Thankfully we can now confirm.

We’re hoping to get back on with things and off feedback last year regarding this event, we have placed 1 group booking for the whole district.


Fran has kindly agreed to take the lead on this event for us; if anyone is interested in helping please don’t hesitate to let her know.


What we need from you as GSLs is a list of groups that are attending and numbers of young people and adults inline with the below pricing strategy etc.


Just to confirm that:

Date: Sunday 21st April booked for St Georges day at BCLM.

Time: 10am – 4pm

Venue: Home – Black Country Living Museum (


Primary/Junior school age(0-11)          @ £7.25+VAT

Secondary school age(11-18)                  @ £7.75+VAT

Adult family members                  @ £14.00+VAT

Supervising Adults                         1 free per 10 children

District Meet up – The idea is to have some form of promise renewal / parade aspect where feasibly possible and we are still working with the Museum to bring this to life – however we still have time to finalise this aspect. We’re liaising with them re: logistics once we have numbers; and plan to have some form of promise renewal and details regarding meeting place etc. Obviously everyone in attendance is expected to have full uniform and all groups carrying standards etc.



If each GSL could reply with the above info to Fran and CC me for group info.

Friday 22 March is when Schools Break up for easter – Could you let us know by the 8th April please. This should give everyone a month to prepare and then us enough time to work with the museum.


Parking, insurance, public liability and logistics will all be covered.

Each group will still be required to do a risk assessment/AN form.


Any further questions please let us know asap.




HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III