Transformation Updates
To GSLS/14-25 Team/DAAC
Hi All,
Membership System – Hopefully go live is now signposted for October/November
HQ planning to migrate to a new digital system during the Autumn term of 2024. Everyone currently on Compass will move to this new system which offers exciting new features to help manage volunteers, learning, awards, permits and more.
Leader in Charge
There has been the changes applied to POR recently which include moving the minimum number information to Chapter 4 so I have updated and checked the link.
We included the passing the changes on at the weekend, all managers should have had a link sent out early July which flagged some interesting changes:
For section activities, an adult who is a member of the relevant Section Leadership Team, and who holds a full appointment, must be nominated as the leader in charge for each activity. If the Leader in charge is not from the relevant Section Leadership Team, the nomination must be agreed in writing by the Group Scout Leader or District Explorer Scout Commissioner as appropriate.
For District, County and national activities, the leader in charge must hold a full appointment and be appointed in writing by the relevant District Commissioner, County Commissioner or national commissioner.
Using an external first aid course to validate First Response
From 1 August 2024, anyone who wishes to use an external first aid course to act as first aid cover must show a fully accredited First Response Trainer that they have met or can meet all the requirements of our First Response syllabus.
This includes knowledge of child related illnesses and the demonstration of child CPR which are commonly not included on external courses. This is to make sure that all volunteers who are carrying out first aid have the skills to manage incidents relating to children and young people.
As part of this new requirement, we’ve also committed to review the historical validations of First Response learning which used external courses from 1 April 2022 through to 1 August 2024. This will make sure that they meet our standard for validation.
How to validate an external first aid course
Child related illnesses can be validated using the online conversion by Hampshire Scouts. If a volunteer has already completed this to validate their knowledge of child related illnesses, then this will remain valid.
If child CPR was not demonstrated on the original first aid course, then this must be demonstrated at validation now. Historical validations of child CPR which used the online conversion will no longer be valid and will need to be validated again now.
HQ are looking at all the records for the past year to identify those which may need validation, more details to follow.
Key data migration issues |
Essential (Need to be fixed by 30 September):